Our Cottage

Our Cottage
"No Keys"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Man O War Cae

We stayed on a mooring ball in the Man O War Harbour.  It was pretty crowded and we were lucky as we were passing through that a boat we met last year in Marathon was just dropping off one.  What a lucky day. Man O War is known for building boats.  It is a very colorful island and pretty prosperous. We walked from one end of the island to the other. I took a lot of pictures!

This is James Bonds Underwater Submarine!

There are signs everywhere here in Man O War

A boat fresh out of the mold.

This one has the bottom painted and waiting for the next step!

All done!

Real cannons for sale!

The of the last original homes here.

Conch all in a row

Mr. Curly Tail sunning and shedding! There Everywhere!

Nice enough to golf on!

Every Home here has a bell at the gate.  I took pictures of them that I could find.  Last count 62,

Found this gem direct from London at the gate of a beautiful home.  Must of bought it on Ebay!

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