Our Cottage

Our Cottage
"No Keys"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sailing on the Sea of Abaco

Here are some pictures of "No Keys" sailing full sail on the Sea of Abaco.  These were taken by Terry & Kim on "Clarity".

Sailing in the Abacos was just wonderful!  Chris and I would check to see which way the wind was blowing and set sail for that island.  We even managed to hit 8 knots! There were a few times that "the captain" would almost put the rail in the water.  Not good for "the admiral", things move around down stairs and I would have to stay on the rail and hold on tight!  Great fun for "the captain" he is a racer at heart.

One day we even had that chance to "sail the spinacker".  We had perfect wind conditions and it was the 1st time in many years that we got to put it up!

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