Our Cottage

Our Cottage
"No Keys"

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crossing the Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream Very Calm...Nice!

About 10 am in the morning.....just like glass!

Half Ways Across the Gulfstream and Heading to our first Way Point! Memory Rock!
We headed back to Lake Worth Inlet last Tuesday and anchored for the night.  We got up very early on Wednesday (15th) and headed out around 4:00 am.  We had another sailboat and a catamaran with us.  Chris and I went first as our boat is the smallest.  I was in my harness and tethered to the mast with my giant flashlight.....it's dark and there is makers that are burnt out.  Not a good thing to hit in the dark.  The waves were there but I needed to practice riding the waves.  I just did not want to get wet!  It was rough, seas were about 3 - 4 feet with 10 seconds.  But not as rough as last week.  As we got closer to the gulf stream the seas laid down more.  We had some sail up but with the wind on your nose we had to motor on through.  It will take us about 3 days to get to Green Turtle Cae.  This is where we will check into the Bahamas.

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