Our Cottage

Our Cottage
"No Keys"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sail Time! Bahama Bound!

When cold air and warm air meet! And before the "Northerly's" Blast Away!

It’s time to go! (this Wednesday). The weather window has finally arrived!  The storms in the north have made it very cold here in Florida and the seas are rough.  Record cold temperatures and frozen fruit!  Note the price of those lovely strawberries and OJ will again cost lots of $$$. We will be heading to West Palm Beach and spend the night at anchor and be ready to go out into the Gulf Stream on Thursday morning and heading to “Memory Rock” and then onto Green Turtle Cae. Our first leg will be 150 nautical miles. We plan on sailing all day and then the night to arrive by Friday noonish and then check into the Bahamas!

It’s been a very very busy week! With our “To Do List” and the “Shopping List” we are now down to just getting fresh veggies to go! And put the car away for the winter. Not bad. We have never been to the Abacos and we are looking forward to seeing these islands.  We have read all the guides, studied the charts and programmed our “way points”.

Our anchorage “The Sunset Bay Marina and Anchorage” is full in spite of all the large winds and weather fronts!  There will be a mass exodus and there should be lots of boats to talk to as we cross the Florida Straits.  Stuart, Florida is a very old city and has lots of history. We have seen free music concerts on the “River Walk” and then strolled the tree lined streets and had lunch under the palm trees. Stuart is also known as the “Sailfish Capital” of the east coast.  The fishing boats and charters are everywhere and you can go out there for a large $$$’s.

We are now Sailing Away!

The Cold Front Coming In and The Sun Setting! Beautiful!

Sailfish Statues. Can you image one of them on your hook!

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